Business Sponsorships


To fill out a sponsorship form online click here.

Servant Stage Company joyfully serves our community by providing outstanding musical and theatrical experiences accessible to everyone. In 2023, we presented our shows to over 44,000 people in schools, retirement communities, nursing homes, parks, and churches. As you can imagine, these artistic, educational, and outreach programs require the support of our community!

Now Servant Stage offers your business an opportunity to shine in the communities we touch and serve by sponsoring a production with us. Sponsorship offers an opportunity for your company to demonstrate its support of the arts in our community to Servant Stage audience members and volunteers. In recent years, corporate sponsorship has become the fastest growing type of marketing in the United States.

Want to get started? Simply fill out a sponsorship form online here to promote your business and support Servant Stage!

For more information, please click here to email Andrew Zahn or call 717-756-3956. 

As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, all donations to Servant Stage are tax deductible.

Thank you for your generous support of the performing arts in our community! To recognize your support and show our appreciation, we are pleased to offer the following opportunities and benefits:

Platinum Sponsors

  • $7,500 for All 12 Shows or $2,000 for one show

  • Full page ad (5”W x 8”H) in the playbill

  • Special thanks from the stage during the preshow welcome speech

  • Your logo featured on the Servant Stage website as a show sponsor with links to your website

  • Your logo on the big screen before performances

  • A plug on Servant Stage’s social media

  • Thank-you letter and tax receipt

Gold Sponsors

  • $2,000 for All 12 shows or $500 for one show

  • All benefits of SILVER SPONSORSHIP PLUS:

    • 1/2 page ad (5”W x 4”H) in the playbill

    • Your logo featured on the Servant Stage website as a show sponsor with links to your website

    • Thank-you letter and tax receipt

Silver Sponsors

  • $1,000 for All 12 shows or $300 for one show

  • All benefits of BRONZE SPONSORSHIP PLUS:

    • Your logo on the big screen before performances

    • A plug on Servant Stage’s social media

    • Thank-you letter and tax receipt

Bronze Sponsors

  • $600 for All 12 shows or $200 for one show

  • Your logo listed in the playbill

  • Your logo featured on the Servant Stage website as a show sponsor with links to your website

  • Thank-you letter and tax receipt


Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors



gold sponsors






Show Sponsors